Does your job regularly expose you to significant traumatic events?


Law Enforcement


Fire Fighting





These occupations and many others have the potential to cause job related injury of a psychological nature.

Addiction and trauma are closely linked.

If you do this work, has anyone ever given you instruction on prevention and health promotion to allow you to have a fighting chance to recover from post traumatic stress, also known as Critical Incident Stress?

If not, Traumaserve may be able to help.

If you have been told you have PTSD and that you cannot recover, you need to know that is not true.  Recovery from PTSD is possible with the right education, treatment and support.

Organizations that must expose their staff to trauma should have education for their staff for prevention and awareness. Post Traumatic Stress is not PTSD and knowledge is power to help prevent that progression.

Emotional first aid can be learned by anyone.

Traumaserve is a professional traumatic stress response and training company with over 30 years of experience in the field of traumatic stress.  Professional counselling, peer counselling, and educational programs are all a part of what we do. 

Many people are exposed to traumatic events as witnesses to accidents, as victims of violence and in their work.  Court reporters who must look at terrible evidence of violence, lawyers, community outreach workers, suicide prevention and crisis line workers all may be exposed.

It may not be work related.  Many traumatic events occur to men, women, and children through life tragedies.  Our professional staff are trained to provide counselling services for trauma survivors regardless of how it happens.

Please take the opportunity to see what we can provide for you and for your workplace.