Testimonials — reactions from past course attendees

Great to have a course taught by someone with credibility from real world experience of trauma.  Bruce has the ability to translate book knowledge on trauma into understandable concepts for all.  I so appreciate his ability to instruct such a difficult topic with humour that allows for greater learning.  An awesome instructor.
— Peer Course Client
Bruce said this was a “life skill” course.  Absolutely correct.  As a counsellor, I wish I had gotten this course in training there.  Nothing like it and there certainly should be.
— Basic Course Client
The most important training I have ever taken as a fire fighter.  It opened my eyes to understanding the impact of trauma in my life at work and at home.  So vital to have an instructor so experienced and passionate about helping anyone who has to deal with trauma in the workplace.
— Basic Course Client
Please invite Bruce to come back.  The best instructor I have ever had.  The course material was delivered with humour, passion and compassion.  Everyone I spoke with was astonished with his ability to make you feel he was teaching just for you.  I would take any training class delivered by him.
— Basic Course Client
Having been through various training in all of our work lives, it is our team’s experience that Bruce is above the standard for an instructor and he excels in instruction. He sets the bar very high and it is something that we can all strive to achieve. Our team holds Bruce in high esteem because of his style, wit, humour, compassion, kindness, openness and knowledge. We strongly believe that Bruce represents everything that is defined in the ICISF Excellence in Training and Education Award.
Bruce is a gentle soul who does not judge and is incredibly supportive. He genuinely seeks to guide and mold people in the field of trauma interventions. Bruce teaches people from diverse backgrounds to discover within themselves the skills to do this work and allow them to grow.